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entrepreneur, inspiration, lesson, marketing -

Early November, my SCORE mentor shared an event from a local business development group with me. They were going to have a pitch contest to win a grant for marketing. The rules were simple: less than 5 employees, revenue less then $250k a year and request less than $400. They had $800 to distribute among a few applicants. For our region, it was a live pitch at the local library. She encouraged me to give it a try.  Knowing I needed to pay for some marketing—free Facebook and Instrgram post will only get me so far—I decided this would be a...

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marketing, social media -

I received this article from Shopify. They have some pretty good content they share out. This one is a year old so there may be some newer sources, but that's ok. I don't need more.I'll be trying to follow some of these recommendations and see where it gets me. It's still a lot figure out, but at least now I have a starting point for targeting good, trending content. Not being one to use social media a lot or follow many people (I have my own life), I was stymied by where people get this information, especially with limited time. I've poked...

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entrepreneur, lessons, marketing -

Worked like crazy to get ready for the Old Port Festival on Sunday. Packaged 100 of each magnet and loaded some additional unpackaged magnets. Having no idea what kind of sales I would have, I decided to over prepare. Logically I knew I had too much inventory, but if it only required the time to load the car, what the heck. It reduced my stress. And wouldn't it be grand... Arrived, unloaded and learned that our group of crafters was on an offshoot street. We say about 1/10th of the traffic as other areas. No one had good sales. At least...

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